Eibner, Wolfgang 1960-

International economic integration selected international organizations and the European Union Wolfgang Eibner - XXVI, 364 S. Ill., graph. Darst. 24 cm

Literaturverz. und Internetquellen S. 340 - 364

9783486584745 kart. : EUR 34.80


09,A37,0343 dnb

98698518X DE-101

Europäische Union

Internationale Organisation
Wirtschaftliche Integration

(VLB-FS)International (VLB-FS)World Trade Organisation (VLB-FS)UNCTAD (VLB-FS)International Monetary Fund (VLB-FS)International Development Banks (VLB-FS)International Cooperation (VLB-FS)European Union (VLB-FS)GATT (VLB-FS)WTO (VLB-FS)Integration (VLB-FS)Wirtschaftswissenschaften (VLB-FS)Volkswirtschaftslehre (VLB-FS)Außenwirtschaft (VLB-PF)BC: Paperback (VLB-WN)1782: HC/Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft
