Turner, Richard.

Geophysical and Geotechnical Methods for Diagnosing Flood Protection Dikes : Guide for Implementation and Interpretation. - 1 online resource (125 pages) - Hors Collection . - Hors Collection .

Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Table of Figures -- 1 - INTRODUCTION -- 2 - BACKGROUND TO THE CIVIL ENGINEERING DIAGNOSIS OF FLOOD PROTECTION DIKES -- 2.1 Nature, functions and composition of dikes -- 2.2 Classification of malfunctions and failure mechanisms -- 2.3 Diagnosing a structure -- 3 - GENERAL METHODOLOGY FOR THE EFFICIENT DIAGNOSIS OF DRY DIKES -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Preliminary study phase: searching for indicators -- 3.3 Geophysical exploration -- 3.4 Geotechnical exploration -- 4 - GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION METHODS -- 4.1 High-efficiency exploration using the Slingram method -- 4.2 High-efficiency exploration using the radio magnetotelluric method -- 4.3 Comparison of Slingram and RMT high-efficiency electromagnetic methods on dry dikes -- 4.4 Other high-efficiency exploration methods: ground penetrating radar -- 4.5 Local investigation with 2D electrical imaging survey -- 4.6 Local investigation using seismic refraction -- 5 - EFFECTIVE GEOTECHNICAL METHODS - IN SITU TESTS -- 5.1 Choice of methods and factors in locating investigation sites -- 5.2 Penetrometric tests: PANDA -- 5.3 Penetrometric tests: Heavy-duty dynamic cone penetrometer (LCPC) -- 5.4 Lefranc permeability tests -- 5.5 Permeability tests using the Perm�eafor -- 5.6 Shear tests with the phicometer -- 5.7 Investigation using a mechanical shovel -- 5.8 Mechanical drilling -- 6 - METHODOLOGICAL SUMMARY OF THE GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL TECHNIQUES USED FOR THE EFFICIENT DIAGNOSIS OF DRY DIKES -- 6.1 Reminder of the context of the study -- 6.2 Key study phases in the diagnosis -- 6.3 Reporting the geophysical and geotechnical results -- 6.4 Comparison of the geophysical methods -- 7 - PROPOSAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OR TESTING OF GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL METHODS FOR DIKE DIAGNOSIS -- 8 - CONCLUSION -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- PHOTO CREDITS.


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