On Ancient Grammars of Space : Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages.
Kutscher, Silvia.
On Ancient Grammars of Space : Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages. - 1 online resource (356 pages) - Topoi - Berlin Studies of the Ancient World/Topoi - Berliner Studien der Alten Welt Ser. ; v.19 . - Topoi - Berlin Studies of the Ancient World/Topoi - Berliner Studien der Alten Welt Ser. .
Intro -- Introduction -- Einleitung -- Glossing abbreviations -- Hittite / Hethitisch -- R�aumlichkeit in Zentralanatolien. Eine hethitische „Grammar of Space" -- Greek / Griechisch -- On the encoding of ALLATIVE and RECIPIENT in the Greek diachrony -- 'Behind' and 'in front' in Ancient Greek. A case study in orientation asymmetry -- Fortbewegung ohne Bewegungsverben im Griechischen -- Akkadian / Akkadisch -- Topologische und projektive Relationen in akkadischen Keilschrifttexten -- Egyptian et aliae / �Agyptisch et aliae -- The semantic space of static spatial prepositions in Hieroglyphic Ancient Egyptian. A comparison with nine Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic languages based on the Topological Relations Picture Series -- E-mail addresses of the authors.
The series: Topoi. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World brings together contributions from all fields of classical studies, from pre- and early history and classical archeology to ancient philosophy, theory of science and theology. Monographs and volumes which present the research results of the Excellence Cluster Topoi form a major focus of the series. Additional topics are currently being planned.
Cognitive grammar.
Language and languages -- Grammars -- History.
Languages, Modern -- Grammar, Historical.
Space and time in language -- History.
Spatial behavior.
Electronic books.
P37.5.S65 O5 2013
On Ancient Grammars of Space : Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages. - 1 online resource (356 pages) - Topoi - Berlin Studies of the Ancient World/Topoi - Berliner Studien der Alten Welt Ser. ; v.19 . - Topoi - Berlin Studies of the Ancient World/Topoi - Berliner Studien der Alten Welt Ser. .
Intro -- Introduction -- Einleitung -- Glossing abbreviations -- Hittite / Hethitisch -- R�aumlichkeit in Zentralanatolien. Eine hethitische „Grammar of Space" -- Greek / Griechisch -- On the encoding of ALLATIVE and RECIPIENT in the Greek diachrony -- 'Behind' and 'in front' in Ancient Greek. A case study in orientation asymmetry -- Fortbewegung ohne Bewegungsverben im Griechischen -- Akkadian / Akkadisch -- Topologische und projektive Relationen in akkadischen Keilschrifttexten -- Egyptian et aliae / �Agyptisch et aliae -- The semantic space of static spatial prepositions in Hieroglyphic Ancient Egyptian. A comparison with nine Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic languages based on the Topological Relations Picture Series -- E-mail addresses of the authors.
The series: Topoi. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World brings together contributions from all fields of classical studies, from pre- and early history and classical archeology to ancient philosophy, theory of science and theology. Monographs and volumes which present the research results of the Excellence Cluster Topoi form a major focus of the series. Additional topics are currently being planned.
Cognitive grammar.
Language and languages -- Grammars -- History.
Languages, Modern -- Grammar, Historical.
Space and time in language -- History.
Spatial behavior.
Electronic books.
P37.5.S65 O5 2013