Coming of Age in Byzantium : Adolescence and Society.

Ariantzi, Despoina.

Coming of Age in Byzantium : Adolescence and Society. - 1 online resource (316 pages) - Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies ; v.69 . - Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies .

Intro -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Introduction: Approaches to Byzantine Adolescence (6th-11th centuries) -- Too Young to Be Accountable: Is 15 Years Old a Threshold in Byzantium? -- Adoleszenten in der kirchlichen Rechtsprechung der Byzantiner im Zeitraum 13.-15. Jahrhundert -- The Adolescent Monastic in Middle and Late Byzantium -- Adolescence in the Late Byzantine Society (14th-15th centuries) -- Adolescent Behavior in Byzantine Sources? Some Observations on Young Byzantine Women Pursuing their Goals -- Soziale Identit�atsbildung im Jugendalter in Byzanz -- Images of Byzantine Adolescents -- Representations and Roles of Adolescence with a Focus on Apocryphal Imagery -- The Byzantine Adolescent: Real or Imaginary? -- Erwachsenwerden oder Erwachsensein? -- Jugendliche und Heilung -- Adolescentia in abendl�andischen Quellen des fr�uhen Mittelalters zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsensein? Ein begriffsgeschichtlicher Zugang -- List of Contributors -- Index.

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