
Zhou, Shaojie.

China. - 1 online resource (230 pages) - Contemporary China Studies . - Contemporary China Studies .

Intro -- Praise for China: Surpassing the"Middle Income Trap" -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Chapter 1: What Is the "Middle Income Trap"? -- 1.1 Proposition of the "Middle Income Trap" -- 1.2 Definition of the "Middle Income Trap" -- 1.2.1 Absolute Criteria -- 1.2.2 Relative Criteria -- 1.3 Overcoming the "Middle Income Trap": A Comparison of East Asia and Latin America -- 1.3.1 A Comparative Analysis of Countries and Regions in Asia in Overcoming the "Middle Income Trap" -- 1.3.2 Latin American Countries Ensnared by the "Middle Income Trap" -- 1.3.3 A Comparison of the Two Groups of Countries -- 1.4 Why Does the "Middle Income Trap" Emerge? -- Chapter 2: How Did China Overcome the "Poverty Trap"? -- 2.1 The Analytical Framework of Multidimensional Poverty -- 2.2 Stagnant Development in China's Contemporary History Plunged the Country into Poverty -- 2.3 Achievements in Development During China's Planned Economy Era -- 2.4 Economic Development and Poverty Reduction -- 2.4.1 Rural Economic Reform and Poverty Reduction -- 2.4.2 SOE Reform and Development of Private Sector Economy -- 2.5 Poverty Alleviation and Development Serve as a Powerful Tool for Overcoming the "Poverty Trap" -- 2.5.1 Poverty Alleviation Policies During Different Development Stages -- 2.5.2 Performance Evaluation of China's Poverty Alleviation Efforts -- 2.6 The Global Effect of China's Poverty Alleviation Efforts -- Chapter 3: Will China Fall into the "Middle Income Trap"? -- 3.1 Development Challenges During the Middle-Income Stage -- 3.1.1 The Challenge in the Transformation of the Economic Growth Model -- 3.1.2 The Environmental Resource Challenge -- 3.1.3 Challenge of an Aging Population -- 3.1.4 The Income Gap Challenge -- 3.1.5 The Social Stability Challenge -- 3.1.6 Political Development and Political Stability. 3.2 Favorable Conditions for China to Overcome the "Middle Income Trap" -- 3.2.1 Steady Transition of the Economic System and Maturing of Macroeconomic Management -- 3.2.2 Continual Improvement in National Capacity for Strategic Planning -- 3.2.3 Modernized Infrastructure Provides Essential Support for Economic Development -- 3.2.4 China Already Fulfills the Essential Preconditions for Innovation-Driven Development -- 3.2.5 China's Capacity for Green Development Continues to Grow -- 3.2.6 China Actively Participates in Globalization and Global Governance -- 3.2.7 The Superiority of the Socialist System Provides the Political Foundation for Overcoming the "Middle Income Trap" -- 3.2.8 Summary -- Chapter 4: How Can China Overcome the "Middle Income Trap"? -- 4.1 Breaking Out of the Middle-Income Trap Through the "Five Development Concepts" -- 4.1.1 Avoiding the Total Factor Productivity Trap Through Innovation-Driven Development -- 4.1.2 Avoiding the Urbanization Trap Through Coordinated Development -- 4.1.3 Avoiding the Ecological Environment Trap Through Green Development -- 4.1.4 Avoiding the Dependency Trap Through Open Development -- 4.1.5 Avoiding the Inequity Trap Through Shared Development -- 4.2 Supply-Side Structural Reform Is the Key to Overcoming the "Middle Income Trap" -- 4.2.1 The Three Rationale Behind Supply-Side Structural Reform -- 4.2.2 Supply-Side Structural Reform Ushers in China's New Normal -- 4.2.3 How to Promote Supply-Side Structural Reform: The Formula -- 4.3 Supply-Side Structural Reform: China's Practical and Theoretical Innovation -- Chapter 5: Looking Ahead: China Becoming a High-Income Economy -- 5.1 Income Group Classification of China's Provincial Regions -- 5.1.1 Absolute Income Method -- 5.1.2 Relative Income Method -- 5.2 A Region-by-Region Statistical Analysis of Overcoming the "Middle Income Trap" in China. 5.3 Forecast and Outlook for China's Overcoming of the "Middle Income Trap" -- 5.4 Formation of the Chinese Path -- 5.5 The Global Significance of China's Overcoming of the "Middle Income Trap" -- Epilogue.


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