What Is Qu�eb�ecois Literature? : Reflections on the Literary History of Francophone Writing in Canada.

Chapman, Rosemary.

What Is Qu�eb�ecois Literature? : Reflections on the Literary History of Francophone Writing in Canada. - 1 online resource (303 pages) - Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures Ser. ; v.28 . - Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures Ser. .

The question 'What is Qu�eb�ecois literature?' may seem innocent and answerable, yet Rosemary Chapman's compelling study shows that to answer it is to chart the cultural history of French Canada, to put francophone writing in Canada in postcolonial context and to ask whether literary history, with its focus on the nation, is in fact obsolete. This remarkable book will be compulsory reading for scholars well-versed in francophone postcolonial studies and will also act as an ideal introduction for Anglophone scholars of Canadian literature.


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