Marine Anthropogenic Litter. (Record no. 1974)
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000 -Satzkennung | |
Kontrollfeld mit fester Länge | 11050nam a22004813i 4500 |
001 - Kontrollnummer | |
Kontrollfeld | EBC6363104 |
003 - Kontrollnummer Identifier | |
Kontrollfeld | MiAaPQ |
005 - Datum und Zeit der letzten Transaktion | |
Kontrollfeld | 20220324112724.0 |
006 - Datenelemente mit fester Länge - Weitere Materialmerkmale | |
Kontrollfeld mit fester Länge | m o d | |
007 - Feld mit fester Länge zur physischen Beschreibung - Allgemeine Information | |
Kontrollfeld mit fester Länge | cr cnu|||||||| |
008 - Feld mit fester Länge zur physischen Beschreibung - Allgemeine Angaben | |
Kontrollfeld mit fester Länge | 220324s2015 xx o ||||0 eng d |
020 ## - Internationale Standardbuchnummer | |
Internationale Standardbuchnummer | 9783319165103 |
Nähere Angaben | (electronic bk.) |
020 ## - Internationale Standardbuchnummer | |
Gelöschte/ungültige ISBN | 9783319165097 |
035 ## - Systemkontrollnummer | |
System-Kontrollnummer | (MiAaPQ)EBC6363104 |
035 ## - Systemkontrollnummer | |
System-Kontrollnummer | (Au-PeEL)EBL6363104 |
035 ## - Systemkontrollnummer | |
System-Kontrollnummer | (OCoLC)1229599326 |
040 ## - Katalogisierungsquelle | |
Original-Katalogisierungsstelle | MiAaPQ |
Katalogisierungssprache | eng |
Beschreibungsfestlegungen | rda |
-- | pn |
Übertragungsstelle | MiAaPQ |
Bearbeitungsstelle | MiAaPQ |
050 #4 - Signatur der Library of Congress | |
Notation | QH541.5.F7 |
082 0# - Notation nach der Dewey Decimal Classification | |
Notation | 363.728509162 |
100 1# - Haupteintragung - Personenname | |
Personenname | Bergmann, Melanie. |
245 10 - Titel | |
Titel | Marine Anthropogenic Litter. |
264 #1 - Produktion, Veröffentlichung, Distribution, Herstellung und Urheberrechtsvermerk | |
Herstellungs-, Veröffentlichungs- Vertriebs-, Erzeugungsort | Cham : |
Produzent, Herausgeber, Distributor, Hersteller | Springer International Publishing AG, |
Datum der Herstellung, der Veröffentlichung, des Vertriebs oder des Urheberschutzvermerks | 2015. |
264 #4 - Produktion, Veröffentlichung, Distribution, Herstellung und Urheberrechtsvermerk | |
Datum der Herstellung, der Veröffentlichung, des Vertriebs oder des Urheberschutzvermerks | �2015. |
300 ## - Physische Beschreibung | |
Umfang | 1 online resource (456 pages) |
336 ## - Inhaltstyp | |
Inhaltstypterm | text |
Inhaltstypcode | txt |
Quelle | rdacontent |
337 ## - Medientyp | |
Bezeichnung des Medientyps | computer |
Medientypcode | c |
Quelle | rdamedia |
338 ## - Datenträgertyp | |
Datenträgertypbezeichnung | online resource |
Datenträgertypcode | cr |
Quelle | rdacarrier |
505 0# - Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | |
Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- 1 A Brief History of Marine Litter Research -- Abstract -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Seabirds and Seals-The First Signs of Trouble -- 1.3 The Early 1970s-Pellets and Other Problems in the North Atlantic -- 1.4 Shifting Focus to the North Pacific Ocean -- 1.5 Into the Southern Hemisphere -- 1.6 Aloha-The Marine Debris Conferences -- 1.7 Mitigation Measures and Long-Term Changes in Marine Litter -- 1.8 Plastic Degradation and the Microplastic Boom -- 1.9 Summary and Conclusions -- References -- Part I Abiotic Aspects of Marine Litter Pollution -- 2 Global Distribution, Composition and Abundance of Marine Litter -- Abstract -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Composition -- 2.3 Distribution -- 2.3.1 Beaches -- 2.3.2 Floating Marine Debris -- 2.3.3 Seafloor -- 2.3.4 Microplastics -- 2.4 Summary and Conclusions -- References -- 3 Persistence of Plastic Litter in the Oceans -- Abstract -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Buoyancy and Sampling Errors -- 3.3 Fate of Plastics Entering the Oceans -- 3.3.1 Photo-Oxidative Degradation -- 3.3.2 Mechanisms of Photo-Oxidation -- 3.3.3 Weathering Under Marine Conditions -- 3.4 Microplastics in the Oceans -- 3.5 Conclusions -- References -- Part II Biological Implications of Marine Litter -- 4 Deleterious Effects of Litter on Marine Life -- Abstract -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Entanglement -- 4.2.1 Ways of Entanglement -- 4.2.2 Effects of Entanglement -- 4.3 Smothering -- 4.4 Ingestion of Plastic -- 4.4.1 Ways of Plastic Ingestion -- Intentional Ingestion -- Foraging Strategy -- Color -- Age -- Sex -- Accidental and Secondary Ingestion -- 4.4.2 Impacts of Plastic Ingestion -- Direct Mortality Caused by Plastic Ingestion -- 4.4.3 Indirect Physical Effects of Plastic Ingestion -- Chemical Effects from Plastic Ingestion. |
505 8# - Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | |
Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | Chain of Impacts Related to Plastic Ingestion -- 4.4.4 Impacts from Species Dispersal -- 4.5 Discussion -- References -- 5 The Complex Mixture, Fate and Toxicity of Chemicals Associated with Plastic Debris in the Marine Environment -- Abstract -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.1.1 Plastic Marine Debris: A Complex Mixture of Chemicals -- 5.1.2 Plastics and Their Chemical Ingredients -- 5.1.3 The Accumulation of Chemicals on Plastic Debris in the Marine Environment -- Spatial Variability -- Variability by Plastic Type and Size -- 5.1.4 Plastic Debris, Environmental Chemical Contaminants and Environmental Fate -- 5.1.5 Plastic Debris as a Sink for Environmental Contaminants -- Process of Accumulation -- Rate of Accumulation -- Comparisons with Other Environmental Media -- 5.1.6 Plastic Debris as a Source of Environmental Contaminants -- 5.1.7 Global Transport -- Food Web Transport -- 5.2 Toxicity of Plastic Debris to Marine Life -- 5.2.1 Hazards Associated with Plastic Ingredients -- 5.2.2 Hazards Associated with the Complex Mixture of Plastic and Sorbed Pollutants -- 5.3 Conclusion -- References -- 6 Marine Litter as Habitat and Dispersal Vector -- Abstract -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Floating Litter as a Habitat -- 6.3 Composition of Rafting Assemblages on Floating Litter -- 6.3.1 Taxonomic Overview -- 6.3.2 Biological Traits of Rafting Invertebrates on Floating Litter -- Mobility -- Feeding Biology -- Reproductive Traits -- 6.3.3 Other Species Attracted to Marine Litter -- 6.3.4 Succession of the Rafting Community -- 6.4 Floating Litter as Dispersal Vector -- 6.5 Summary and Outlook -- References -- Part III Microplastics -- 7 Microplastics in the Marine Environment: Sources, Consequences and Solutions -- Abstract -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Definitions of Microplastics. |
505 8# - Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | |
Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | 7.3 Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Abundance of Microplastics -- 7.4 Anticipated Future Trends -- 7.5 Conclusions -- References -- 8 Methodology Used for the Detection and Identification of Microplastics-A Critical Appraisal -- Abstract -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Sampling for Microplastics -- 8.2.1 Water Samples -- 8.2.2 Sediment Samples -- Beaches -- Subtidal Sediments -- 8.2.3 Biota -- 8.3 Laboratory Preparation of Samples -- 8.3.1 Extraction of Microplastics -- 8.3.2 Size Fractionation -- 8.3.3 Sample Purification -- 8.4 Identification of Microplastics -- 8.4.1 Visual Identification -- 8.4.2 Identification of Microplastics by Their Chemical Composition -- Density Separation with Subsequent C:H:N Analysis -- Pyrolysis-GCMS -- Raman Spectroscopy -- IR Spectroscopy -- 8.5 Case Study -- 8.5.1 Materials and Methods -- Sediment Sampling -- Extraction of Microplastics -- Visual Quantification of Microplastics -- FPA-based Micro-FTIR Spectroscopy -- 8.5.2 Results -- FPA-based Micro-FTIR Analysis of Pre-extracted Particles in Sediment Samples -- Granular Particles -- Fragments and Fibres -- 8.5.3 Summary -- 8.6 Conclusions -- References -- 9 Sources and Pathways of Microplastics to Habitats -- Abstract -- 9.1 Defining Sources and Pathways of Microplastic -- 9.2 Larger Plastic Litter -- 9.3 Cleaning Products -- 9.4 Medicines -- 9.5 Textiles -- 9.6 Outlook and Conclusion -- References -- 10 Microplastics in the Marine Environment: Distribution, Interactions and Effects -- Abstract -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 The Global Distribution of Microplastics in the Sea -- 10.2.1 Microplastics in the Pacific Ocean -- 10.2.2 Microplastics in the Atlantic Ocean -- 10.2.3 Microplastics in European Seas and the Mediterranean Sea. |
505 8# - Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | |
Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | 10.2.4 Microplastics in the Indian Ocean and Marginal Seas -- 10.2.5 Microplastics in Polar Regions -- 10.2.6 Modelling the Distribution of Microplastics -- 10.2.7 Summary -- 10.3 Interactions of Microplastics with Marine Organisms -- 10.3.1 Ingestion -- Planktonic Invertebrates -- Benthic Invertebrates -- Fish -- Sea Birds -- Marine Mammals -- Sea Turtles -- 10.3.2 Trophic Transfer -- 10.3.3 Microplastic Effect on Habitats -- 10.3.4 Summary -- 10.4 Conclusion -- References -- 11 Modeling the Role of Microplastics in Bioaccumulation of Organic Chemicals to Marine Aquatic Organisms. A Critical Review -- Abstract -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Models to Assess the Importance of Microplastic Ingestion -- 11.2.1 Equilibrium Partitioning -- 11.2.2 Decomposition and Disintegration -- 11.2.3 Bioaccumulation -- 11.3 Model-Based Assessment of Implications and Risks of Plastic-Associated Chemicals -- 11.4 Summarizing Discussion and Recommendations -- References -- 12 Nanoplastics in the Aquatic Environment. Critical Review -- Abstract -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Sources, Detection and Occurrence of Nanoplastic -- 12.2.1 Sources of Nanoplastic -- 12.2.2 Detection and Occurrence of Nanoplastic -- 12.3 Fate of Nanoplastic -- 12.4 Bioaccumulation and Effects -- 12.4.1 Bioaccumulation and Effects of Nanoplastics -- 12.4.2 Implications of Chemicals and Nanofillers Associated with Nanoplastics -- 12.5 Specific Challenges in Nanoplastic Effect Research -- 12.6 Implications and Recommendations -- References -- Part IV Socio-economic Implications of Marine Anthropogenic Litter -- 13 Micro- and Nano-plastics and Human Health -- Abstract -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 What Kinds of Plastics Are in Use? -- 13.3 Plastics and Human Health -- 13.4 Micro- and Nanoplastics. |
505 8# - Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | |
Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | 13.4.1 Occurrence of Micro- and Nanoplastics in the Environment -- 13.4.2 Micro- and Nanoplastics and Human Health -- 13.4.3 Ingestion of Micro- and Nanoplastics and Uptake Across the Gut -- 13.4.4 Interaction of Microspheres and Nanoparticles with Cells and Tissues -- 13.4.5 Interactions with Biological Materials and Cells -- 13.5 Assessing the Risks that Micro- and Nanoplastics Pose to Human Health -- 13.5.1 Leaching of Toxic Chemicals from Plastics -- 13.5.2 Bisphenol a and Human Health -- 13.5.3 Safer Alternatives to BPA -- 13.5.4 Novel Polymer Formulations -- 13.5.5 Nanopolymers and Nanofillers -- 13.6 Conclusions and Future Work -- References -- 14 The Economics of Marine Litter -- Abstract -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 Estimating the Economic Impacts of Marine Litter -- 14.2.1 Beach Cleaning, Tourism and Recreation -- 14.2.2 Shipping and Yachting -- 14.2.3 Fisheries -- 14.2.4 Aquaculture -- 14.2.5 Agriculture -- 14.2.6 Human Health -- 14.2.7 Summary -- 14.3 Marine Litter and Economic Incentives -- 14.3.1 Landfill TaxesLevies -- 14.3.2 Plastic Bag Initiatives -- 14.3.3 Packaging Producer Responsibility in the EU -- 14.3.4 Charges for Port Reception Facilities -- 14.4 Choosing Economic Instruments -- 14.5 Conclusions -- References -- 15 Regulation and Management of Marine Litter -- Abstract -- 15.1 Introduction -- 15.2 Instruments of Marine Litter at International, Regional and National Levels -- 15.2.1 General Mechanisms of Instruments -- 15.2.2 Examples of Instruments on Marine Litter -- International Instruments -- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) -- Annex V of MARPOL 7378 -- London Protocol -- Action Plan on Tackling the Inadequacy of PRFs -- UNEP Regional Sea Programme -- UNEPIOC Guidelines on Surveying and Monitoring of Marine Litter -- UNEP Guidelines on the Use of Market-Based and Economic Instruments. |
505 8# - Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | |
Fußnote zu strukturierten Inhaltsangaben | UNEPFAO Abandoned, Lost or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear. |
588 ## - Anmerkung zur Ausgabe, zum Teil oder zur Iteration, die/der als Grunlage für die Identifizierung der Ressource verwendet wird | |
Anmerkung zur Ausgabe, zum Teil oder zur Iteration, die/der als Grunlage für die Identifizierung der Ressource verwendet wird | Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources. |
590 ## - Lokale Fußnote (RLIN) | |
Local note | Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries. |
655 #4 - Indexierungsterm - Genre/Form | |
Genre/Form oder fokussierter Term | Electronic books. |
700 1# - Nebeneintragung - Personenname | |
Personenname | Gutow, Lars. |
700 1# - Nebeneintragung - Personenname | |
Personenname | Klages, Michael. |
776 08 - Andere physische Form | |
Verweisungsphrase | Print version: |
Haupteintragung | Bergmann, Melanie |
Titel | Marine Anthropogenic Litter |
Ort, Verlag und Erscheinungsjahr | Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2015 |
Internationale Standardbuchnummer | 9783319165097 |
Körperschafts- oder Gebietskörperschaftsname als Eintragungselement | ProQuest (Firm) |
856 40 - Elektronische Adresse und Zugriff | |
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