The Psychology of Social Networking Vol. 2 : Identity and Relationships in Online Communities.
Material type:
Intro -- Introduction -- 1 A Collective Picture of What MakesPeople Happy: Words Representing SocialRelationships, not Money, are Recurrent withthe Word 'Happiness' in Online Newspapers -- 2 The Online Calming Effect: Does the InternetProvide a More Comfortable Modality forConducting Psychotherapy? -- 3 Feeling Anxious without It: Characteristicsof People Prone to Facebook Addiction -- 4 What Determinants Matter When UsersEngage in Particular Collaborative StorytellingWebsites? Exploring Attractive GamificationFeatures and Design Guidelines -- 5 Assessment Of Risk Behaviors RelatedTo Substance Use, Bullying and Alterationsin Body Image in Adolescents Through a 3DSimulation Program -- 6 Play With My Team- Modeling OnlineGame Players' Teamwork Model in MassivelyMultiplier Online Role Playing Games(MMORPGs) -- 7 Virtual Environments With Chroma-KeyingVideo Capture In Psychological Therapy -- 8 Sharing personal experiences and offeringadvice within online health-based socialnetworks -- 9 The Digital Rage: How Anger is ExpressedOnline -- 10 College Students' Use of CommunicationTechnology with Parents: Influences ofDistance, Gender, and Social Presence -- 11 Internet addiction: an cross-culturalperspective -- 12 My pixels or my friends? Game charactersas a lens for understanding user avatars insocial networks -- 13 Problem Mobile Phone Use in Spanish andBritish Adolescents: First steps towards across-cultural research in Europe -- 14 Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale2: update on the psychometric propertiesamong Italian young adults. -- 15 Smartphone for social networking:methodological aspects.
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