Psychologie pr�ace a organizace 2019.

By: Proch�azka, JakubContributor(s): Kratochv�il, Tom�a&#x161 | Vacul�ik, MartinMaterial type: TextTextPublisher: Brno : Masaryk University, 2019Copyright date: �2019Description: 1 online resource (242 pages)Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9788021094888Genre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Psychologie pr�ace a organizace 2019Online resources: Wie greife ich auf das E-Book zu? | Click to View
Intro -- Introduction -- �Uvodem -- Content -- Obsah -- CONTRIBUTIONS IN ENGLISH / PŘ�ISPĚVKY V ANGLIČTINĚ -- The Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale - psychometric characteristics of the Slovak version, associations with related constructs and applications in work psychology -- Engagement in actions beyond basic professional duties - measurement and correlates -- Starting an entrepreneurial career: Young entrepreneurs' profiles. -- The effect of manager's frequency and quality of communication on team's performance -- Replication of psychometric analysis of the 4Elements Inventory (4EI) in the general population -- Validation of the Emotion Recognition Test -- CONTRIBUTIONS IN CZECH OR SLOVAK / PŘ�ISPĚVKY V ČEŠTINĚ ČI SLOVENŠTINĚ -- Think of your financial future / Myslieť na svoju finančn�u bud�ucnosť -- New creativity and innovativeness inventory Creatixo (CIQ-CXO) - its formation and pilot verification / Tvorba a pilotn�i ověřen�i nov�eho invent�aře kreativity a inovativnosti Creatixo (DKI-CXO) -- Attitudes towards migrants in the Slovak population based on Eurobarometerdata (2017) / Postoje k migrantom v slovenskej popul�aci�i na z�aklade �udajov Eurobarometra (2017) -- Assessment of bossing and mobbing manifestations in the context of personality traits of employees / Posudzovanie prejavov bossingu a mobbingu v kontexte osobnostn�ych čŕt zamestnancov -- Smart Factory. What Employees Will the Company Need in the Future? / Smart Factory. Jak�e zaměstnance bude firma potřebovat v budoucnu? -- The Causes and Context of Job Insecurity in Slovakia / Pr�ičiny a kontexty pracovnej neistoty na Slovensku -- Job Satisfaction and Personality Characteristics in Connection with the Change of Body Constitution / Pracovn�i spokojenost a osobnostn�i charakteristiky v souvislosti se změnou tělesn�e konstituce.
Perception of motorbike riding safety in Taiwan and the Czech Republic / Vn�im�an�i bezpečnosti ř�izen�i motocyklů na Taiwanu a v Česk�e republice -- The psychometric characteristics of the Hexaco-100 questionnaire used in the selection and non-selection situation / Psychometrick�e charakteristiky dotazn�ika Hexaco-100 použit�eho vo v�yberovej a nev�yberovej situ�acii -- The reflection of transformational, pseudotransformational and laissezfaire leadership in employee engagement, trust and innovation (pilot phase - movie method) / Reflexia transformačn�eho, pseudotransformačn�eho a laissez-faire leadershipu v angažovanosti, d�overe a inov�acii zamestnancov (pilotn�a f�aza - met�oda filmu) -- Consumer behavior in the context of selected socio-demographic characteristics / Spotrebiteľsk�e spr�avanie v kontexte vybran�ych socio-demografick�ych charakterist�ik -- Internal Factors of Work Satisfaction of Employees in Manufacturing Companies in the Czech Republic / Vnitřn�i faktory pracovn�i spokojenosti zaměstnanců ve v�yrobn�ich podnic�ich v ČR -- Effectiveness of mindfulness training programs in improving work stress management in teachers / Efektivita mindfulness tr�eningov v zlepšen�i zvl�adania pracovn�eho stresu u učiteľov -- Sense of meaningfulness of work and satisfaction of grammar school teachers / Smysluplnost pr�ace a spokojenost učitelů gymn�azi�i -- Leadership in Education - Characteristics of the Key Concepts / L�ideršip v eduk�acii - charakteristika kľ�učov�ych konceptov -- Employees' opinions to management in SMEs in the Czech Republic / N�azory zaměstnanců na management v MSP v Česk�e republice -- Effect of entrepreneurial education on development of entrepreneurial competencies / Efekt podnikateľsk�eho vzdel�avania na rozvoj podnikateľsk�ych kompetenci�i -- Leadership Competency Models within the Educational Setting / Kompetenčn�e modely l�iderstva v edukačnom prostred�i.
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Intro -- Introduction -- �Uvodem -- Content -- Obsah -- CONTRIBUTIONS IN ENGLISH / PŘ�ISPĚVKY V ANGLIČTINĚ -- The Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale - psychometric characteristics of the Slovak version, associations with related constructs and applications in work psychology -- Engagement in actions beyond basic professional duties - measurement and correlates -- Starting an entrepreneurial career: Young entrepreneurs' profiles. -- The effect of manager's frequency and quality of communication on team's performance -- Replication of psychometric analysis of the 4Elements Inventory (4EI) in the general population -- Validation of the Emotion Recognition Test -- CONTRIBUTIONS IN CZECH OR SLOVAK / PŘ�ISPĚVKY V ČEŠTINĚ ČI SLOVENŠTINĚ -- Think of your financial future / Myslieť na svoju finančn�u bud�ucnosť -- New creativity and innovativeness inventory Creatixo (CIQ-CXO) - its formation and pilot verification / Tvorba a pilotn�i ověřen�i nov�eho invent�aře kreativity a inovativnosti Creatixo (DKI-CXO) -- Attitudes towards migrants in the Slovak population based on Eurobarometerdata (2017) / Postoje k migrantom v slovenskej popul�aci�i na z�aklade �udajov Eurobarometra (2017) -- Assessment of bossing and mobbing manifestations in the context of personality traits of employees / Posudzovanie prejavov bossingu a mobbingu v kontexte osobnostn�ych čŕt zamestnancov -- Smart Factory. What Employees Will the Company Need in the Future? / Smart Factory. Jak�e zaměstnance bude firma potřebovat v budoucnu? -- The Causes and Context of Job Insecurity in Slovakia / Pr�ičiny a kontexty pracovnej neistoty na Slovensku -- Job Satisfaction and Personality Characteristics in Connection with the Change of Body Constitution / Pracovn�i spokojenost a osobnostn�i charakteristiky v souvislosti se změnou tělesn�e konstituce.

Perception of motorbike riding safety in Taiwan and the Czech Republic / Vn�im�an�i bezpečnosti ř�izen�i motocyklů na Taiwanu a v Česk�e republice -- The psychometric characteristics of the Hexaco-100 questionnaire used in the selection and non-selection situation / Psychometrick�e charakteristiky dotazn�ika Hexaco-100 použit�eho vo v�yberovej a nev�yberovej situ�acii -- The reflection of transformational, pseudotransformational and laissezfaire leadership in employee engagement, trust and innovation (pilot phase - movie method) / Reflexia transformačn�eho, pseudotransformačn�eho a laissez-faire leadershipu v angažovanosti, d�overe a inov�acii zamestnancov (pilotn�a f�aza - met�oda filmu) -- Consumer behavior in the context of selected socio-demographic characteristics / Spotrebiteľsk�e spr�avanie v kontexte vybran�ych socio-demografick�ych charakterist�ik -- Internal Factors of Work Satisfaction of Employees in Manufacturing Companies in the Czech Republic / Vnitřn�i faktory pracovn�i spokojenosti zaměstnanců ve v�yrobn�ich podnic�ich v ČR -- Effectiveness of mindfulness training programs in improving work stress management in teachers / Efektivita mindfulness tr�eningov v zlepšen�i zvl�adania pracovn�eho stresu u učiteľov -- Sense of meaningfulness of work and satisfaction of grammar school teachers / Smysluplnost pr�ace a spokojenost učitelů gymn�azi�i -- Leadership in Education - Characteristics of the Key Concepts / L�ideršip v eduk�acii - charakteristika kľ�učov�ych konceptov -- Employees' opinions to management in SMEs in the Czech Republic / N�azory zaměstnanců na management v MSP v Česk�e republice -- Effect of entrepreneurial education on development of entrepreneurial competencies / Efekt podnikateľsk�eho vzdel�avania na rozvoj podnikateľsk�ych kompetenci�i -- Leadership Competency Models within the Educational Setting / Kompetenčn�e modely l�iderstva v edukačnom prostred�i.

Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.

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