Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology : Sport and Quality of Life. 7. - 9. 11. 2019.
Material type:
Intro -- ANALYSIS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT -- Comparison of FMS tests between female and male volleyball with possible implications on volleyball performance -- Maja Ban1, Tomislav �urković2, Nenad Marelić2 -- Specificity of the anthropometric characteristics and fitness abilities of male volleyball players -- Tomislav �urković1, Nenad Marelić1, Robert Zekić2 -- Determination of lower limbs loading during balance beam exercise -- Petr Hedb�avn�y, Miriam Kalichov�a, Michal Rabenseifner, Adam Borek -- The effect of classical ballet, Slovakian folklore dance and sport dance on static postural control in female and male dancers -- Marta Gimunov�a, Tom�aš Vodička, Kristi�an J�ansky, Miriam Kalichov�a, Anton�in Zderč�ik, Alena Skot�akov�a, Petr Hedb�avn�y, Kateřina Kol�ařov�a -- The application of fuzzy logic in the diagnostics of performance preconditions in tennis -- Anton�in Zderč�ik1, Jiř�i Nykod�ym1, Jana Talašov�a2, Pavel Holeček2, Michal Bozděch1 -- DIFFERENCES IN SELF-ASSESSMENT OF PREPAREDNESS OF WRESTLERS BEFORE COMPETITION -- Kristijan Slačanac1, Nenad Žugaj2 -- THE EFFECTS OF COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE ENERGY DRINK ON COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE -- Michal Kumst�at1, Martin Sebera1 Michal Vičar2 -- HIERARCHICAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPERT MODELS OF EXERCISES DESIGNED TO ELIMINATE SPECIFIC MISTAKES OCCURRING IN SHORT SKI TURN -- Danijela Kuna1, Matej Babić1, Mateja Očić2 -- Basic motor competencies in the 1st and 2nd grade elementary school children in Slovakia -- Peter Mačura1, Anna Blahutov�a1,2, Andrej Hubin�ak1, J�an Koštial1, Peter Krška1, Nadežda Novotn�a3, Jarom�ir Sedl�aček4,1, M�aria Hulinkov�a1 -- Differences in the level of body equilibrium by sex in early school-age children -- Sanja Ljubičić, Ljubomir Antekolović, Vedran Dukarić -- Sport training, nutrition and regeneration -- INTENSITY OF SOCCER PLAYERS� TRAINING LOAD IN SMALL-SIDED GAMES WITH DIFFERENT RULE MODIFICATIONS.
Nikolas Nagy, Miroslav Holienka, Matej Babic -- Influence of the intervention program according to Pulmonary Rehabilitation principles on breathing functions of healthy individuals -- Ren�ata Mal�atov�a, Petr Bahensk�y, Martin Mareš, David Marko -- Reliability and validity of the newly developed tests of football specific change of direction speed and reactive agility in youth players -- Nikola Foretic1, Barbara Gilic1, 2, Damir Sekulic1 -- Vitamin D status among youth soccer players -- association with chronological age, maturity status, jumping and sprinting performance -- Ivan Peric1, Barbara Gilic2, 3, Mateo Blazevic2 -- THE IMPACT OF CORE EXERCISE AND MYOFASCIAL RELEASE IN THE INITIAL PART OF TRAINING ON THE PERFORMANCE AND PREVENTION OF INJURIES IN FOOTBAL PLAYERS -- Patrik Beňuš1,2, David L�iška1, Daniel Gur�in1, Martin Pupiš3, Zuzana Pupišov�a3 -- Breathing pattern during load and its change due to the interventional program of breathing exercise -- Petr Bahensk�y, Tom�aš Hermann, Renata Mal�atov�a -- Comparison of results of spiroergometry on running and bicycle ergometer of athletes with running and cycling specialization -- David Marko -- Predicting futsal specific change of direction speed and reactive agility -- analysis of specific correlates in top-level players -- Ivan Zeljko1, Miodrag Spasic2, Damir Sekulic2 -- Match running performance in relation to a playing position in Croatian Football League -- Toni Modrić1, Šime Veršić1,2, Nikola Foretić2 -- Effects of immediate mechanotherapy and intermittent contrast water immersion on subsequent cycling performance -- Ivan Struh�ar, Michal Kumst�at, Kateřina Kapounkov�a, Kl�ara Šolt�es Mertov�a, Iva Hrnčiř�ikov�a -- MONITORING HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS A BIOMARKER OF FATIGUE IN YOUNG ATHLETES -- Martina Bernacikov�a, Jakub Maz�ur, Martin Sebera, Petr Hedb�avn�y.
INTERNAL LOAD OF SOCCER GOALKEEPERS DURING A TRAINING PROCESS -- Matej Babic, Miroslav Holienka, Nikolas Nagy -- Eccentric Contractions in the Rehabilitation of Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy: literature review -- Grgur Kovačić, Josipa Antekolović, Ljubomir Antekolović -- Sport and social sciences -- DEVELOPMENT OF EMOTIONAL SKILLS AMONG 15-16-YEAR-OLD ADOLESCENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES -- Arturas Akelaitis -- Chosen Problems of Physical Education in the Czech Republic -- Kamil Kotl�ik -- Sport participation should not be observed as protective against smoking and drinking in adolescence -- cross-sectional cluster-based analysis in Croatian southern regions -- Ela Filipovic, Nikolina Catlak, Natasa Zenic, -- Effectiveness of manual yumeiho therapy and exercise on depression and neuropathic pain in patients suffering from chronic nonspecific low back pain -- Neven Gladović, Luka Leško, Martina Fudurić -- Relationships between physical activity, motor performance and body composition in school-age children -- Pavol Čech, Pavel Ružbarsk�y -- Parents and their Children's Sports -- Aleš Sekot -- Doping knowledge and doping attitudes in competitive bodybuilding -- Dora Marić1,2, Šime Veršić2, Šimun Vasilj2 -- The Relative Age Effect in the Top 100 ATP Tennis Players 2016-2018 -- Michal Bozděch1, Adri�an Agricola2, Jiř�i Nykod�ym1, Anton�in Zderč�ik1, Tom�aš Vodička1 -- The influence of the main financial resources of non-profit sport organisations on their strategy -- Martina Honcov�a -- Boom of road races in the Czech Republic - sport for all or luxury amusement? -- Irena Slepičkov�a, Pavel Slepička -- The Relative Age Effect in Top100 Female Tennis Players (2014-2018) -- Adri�an Agricola1, Michal Bozděch2, Martin Zvonař2, Jiř�i Zh�aněl2 -- Analysis of Masaryk University students' interest in sports courses in mandatory physical education.
Radka Střešt�ikov�a, Zora Svobodov�a -- Opinions Of Teachers On Teaching Gymnastics In Bansk�a Bystrica -- Juraj Kremnick�y -- Active ageing and sarcopenia -- VITICULTURE AS THE OPTIONAL PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR ELDERLY -- Tom�aš Vespalec1, Petr Scholz2 -- ATTITUDE TOWARDS PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES IN A GROUP OF PREGNANT WOMEN -- Jana Juř�ikov�a -- Determinants of changes in physical activity levels in late adolescence -- prospective analysis in urban communities -- Natasa Zenic 1, Admir Terzic 2, Ivan Kvesic 3 -- The impact of different types of physical activity on walking as a vital everyday movement in older adults -- Lenka Svobodov�a, Martin Sebera, Kateřina Strašilov�a, Tom�aš Hlinsk�y, Marie Crhov�a, Andrea Martincov�a, Petr Vajda, Nikola Strač�arov�a -- Strength and conditioning training -- physical Fitness of Army forces of the Czech Republic -- Martin Bugala -- Efficiency of Jumping Preparation in Younger Pupils in Athletics -- Ivan Čill�ik, Miriam Karperov�a -- Isokinetic equipment in the strength training of armwrestlers -- Gabriel Harčarik -- training system hast for the development of strength abilities in armwrestling -- Gabriel Harčarik -- THE EFFECT OF KINESIO TAPING ON THE RESULT IN THE STANDING LONG JUMP -- Aleš Kaplan1, Iva Hn�atov�a2, Miloš Peca3 -- THE EFFECT OF ISOMETRIC HIP ADDUCTORS FORCE ON CHANGE OF DIRECTION SPEED OF PROFESSIONAL ICE-HOCKEY PLAYERS -- Roman Švantner1,2, David Brűnn1,2, Martin Pupiš1, D�avid L�iška3, Jozef S�ykora1,2 -- THE LEVEL OF EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH OF LOWER LIMBS OF SLOVAK REPUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES IN SWIMMING -- Zuzana Pupišov�a -- Decision making of semi-professional female basketball players in competitive games -- Tom�aš Venc�urik, Dominik Bokůvka, Jiř�i Nykod�ym, Pavel Vacenovsk�y -- Hypoxic training from the athlete�s biological passport point of view -- Martin Pupiš, Vladim�ir Franek, Zuzana Pupišov�a -- PhD section.
Effect of a 3-month Exercise Intervention on Physical Performance, Body Composition, Depression and Autonomic Nervous System in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study -- Marie Crhov�a, Iva Hrnčiř�ikov�a, Radka Střešt�ikov�a, Kl�ara Šolt�es-Mertov�a, Martin Komz�ak, Kateřina Kapounkov�a, Anna Ondračkov�a -- On selected problems of low representation of women in coaching -- Kateřina Jakubcov�a, Vladim�ir Jůva, Michal Roček -- Trends in BMI by Age Periods of Pupils with Intellectual Disability -- Jitka Kr�al�ikov�a, Hana V�alkov�a -- The long-term development of shooting skills in young biathletes -- Michal Ž�ak1, Ivan Struh�ar2, Jan Ondr�aček1 -- Relationship of the results from fitness test and points for performance in alpine skiing of the Czech national team of U14 and U16 categories in the season 2018/2019 -- Jan Jurečka, Tom�aš Hor�aček -- A Comparative Study of primary school teachers' attitudes and opinions towards inclusive education in the South Moravian Region and Split-Dalmatian County -- Nikola Strač�arov�a -- EFFECT OF RESISTANCE TRAINING IN CHILDREN WHO ARE OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE - PILOT STUDY -- Kateřina Strašilov�a, Petr Vajda, Tom�aš Hlinsk�y.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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