Ot�azky neolitu a eneolitu. 39. ročn�ik. Brno, 9.–11. 9. 2020 : Sborn�ik abstraktů.

By: Mal�iškov�a, JohanaContributor(s): T�oth, PeterMaterial type: TextTextPublisher: Brno : Masaryk University, 2020Copyright date: �2020Description: 1 online resource (65 pages)Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9788021096325Genre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Ot�azky neolitu a eneolitu. 39. ročn�ik. Brno, 9.–11. 9. 2020Online resources: Wie greife ich auf das E-Book zu? | Click to View
Intro -- Obsah / Table of contents -- Pozvan�e předn�ašky / Invited keynote lectures -- Potenci�al studia neolitick�eho a eneolitick�eho obdob�i v diachronn�i perspektivě / The potential to study the Neolithic and Eneolithic in a diachronic perspective -- Understanding silent artefacts in the Neolithic (6000-4500 BC): ceramic petrography and beyond / Porozuměn�i „mlč�ic�im artefaktům" v neolitu (6000-4500 BC): v�ice než petrografie keramiky -- 1. Ter�enn�i v�yzkumy a průzkumy / Excavations and field surveys -- Neolithic settlement area near Bratislava / Neolitick�y s�ideln�y are�al v okol�i Bratislavy -- Lechovice - s�idlištn�i are�al prvn�ich zemědělců / Lechovice - settlement area of the first farmers -- Ž�arov�e pohřebiště boš�ack�e kultury na mohyln�iku kultury se šňůrovou keramikou v Hlinsku / Cremation burial ground of the Boš�aca culture found at the burial mound of the Corded Ware culture in Hlinsko -- Časně eneolitick�y depot z Krumlovsk�eho lesa a solit�ern�i n�alezy z okol�i / Early Eneolithic hoard from the Krumlovsk�y les and solitary finds in the surrounding -- Studna kultury s line�arn�i keramikou z Brna-Bohunic / Water well construction of the LBK from Brno-Bohunice -- Settlement area of the LBK in Čereňany (dist. Prievidza) / S�ideln�y are�al kult�ury s line�arnou keramikou v Čereňanoch (okr. Prievidza) -- Neolitick�e hroby v jihoz�apadn�ich Čech�ach / Neolithic graves in SouthWesternBohemia -- 2. Chronologie / Chronology -- Mezi neolitem a eneolitem: n�alezy skupiny Střešovice v Čech�ach / Between the Neolithic and the Eneolithic: finds of the Střešovice group in Bohemia -- 3. Člověk jako společensk�a a ekonomick�a bytost / Man as a social and economic being -- Cremation as a form of funerary treatment of the Neolithic and Early Copper Age population / Krem�acia ako forma pohrebn�ych prakt�ik neolitick�ych a eneolitick�ych popul�aci�i.
The osteozoological analysis of the Neolithic and Eneolithic settlements in Kiarov (Slovakia) / Osteozoologick�a anal�yza zo s�idlisk z neolitu a eneolitu v Kiarove (Slovensko) -- V�ysledky osteologick�e anal�yzy zv�iřec�ich kost�i z lokality Ž�adovice / Osteological analysis of animal bones from the site Ž�adovice -- Man is a learner. To decipher lithic industries through the prism of apprenticeship and the transmission of technical know-how / Člověk učenliv�y. Dešifrov�an�i kamenn�e industrie skrze proces praktick�eho učen�i a technologick�eho know-how -- Mikroregion Ślęzy jako petroarcheologick�e t�ema / Ślęza microregion as a petroarchaeological topic -- N�alezy antropomorfn�ich plastik lengyelsk�e kultury z Těšetic-Kyjovic / The evidence of the anthropomorphic figurines from the Lengyel culture settlement at Těšetice-Kyjovice -- �Učel ohrazen�ych poloh v komunit�ach středn�iho eneolitu v Čech�ach / The purpose of enclosed sites in the Middle Eneolithic communities in Bohemia -- Mobility and trade in the LBK central settlement of Asparn/Schletz / Mobilita a obchod na lokalitě Asparn/Schletz, centr�aln�im s�idlišti kultury s line�arn�i keramikou -- Štrukt�ura os�idlenia vybrat�ych regi�onov Gemera a Šariša v neolite a eneolite - porovnanie / Settlement structure of the selected regions Gemer and Šariš in the Neolithic and Eneolithic - a comparison -- Dwellings and architecture of the Baden culture and Post-Baden period - their identification and interpretation / Obydlie a architekt�ura badenskej kult�ury a postbadensk�eho obdobia - ich identifik�acia a interpret�acia -- Textiln�a produkcia v mladšom praveku. Anal�yza praslenov na z�aklade ich hmotnosti / Textile production in the Late Prehistory. Analysis of spindle whorls on the basis of their weight.
Lengyelsk�y čtvercov�y objekt ze Střelic a jeho překvapiv�a interpretace / Rectangular feature of the Lengyel culture in Střelice and its surprising interpretation -- Bioarchaeology of postLBKNeolithic and Early Eneolithic:the health condition and nutrition in Moravia and EasternBohemiaBioarcheologie v postline�arn�im a časně eneolitick�emv�yvoji: zdravotn�i stav a v�yživa v prostoru Moravya v�ychodn�ich Čech -- 4. Teoretick�e a metodologick�e př�istupy v neolitu a eneolitu / Theoretical and methodological approaches in the Neolithic and Eneolithic -- S�idlištn�i are�aly prvn�ich zemědělců na JV Moravě - Polemika nad současn�ym stavem pozn�an�i a v�ypovědn�i schopnost�i z�achrann�ych v�yzkumů / Settlement areas of the first farmers in SE Moravia - Arguments over the current state of knowledge and the explanatory power of rescue researches -- Changing horizons of material culture: identifying the locations of everyday and symbolic activities in Late Copper Age settlements / Proměňuj�ic�i se horizonty materi�aln�i kultury: identifikace um�istěn�i každodenn�ich a symbolick�ych činnost�i na s�idlišt�ich pozdn�iho eneolitu -- Probl�emy neolitick�eho a eneolitick�eho v�yzkumu na Moravě / Problems of Neolithic and Eneolithic research in Moravia -- Anal�yza keramick�ych plastik lengyelsk�e kultury. Traseologie, 3D anal�yza / Analysis of ceramic figurines of the Lengyel culture.Traseology, 3D analysis -- Neolithic longbarrowsin the G�ubczyce Forest (SW Poland)? A geoarchaeological study of two earthen mounds and its implications for understanding environmental changes in Silesia during the Holocene / Neolitick�e dlouh�e mohyly v G�ubczyck�em lese (JZ Polsko)? Geoarcheologick�y v�yzkum dvou mohyl a jeho v�yznam pro porozuměn�i environment�aln�ich změn ve Slezsku během holoc�enu.
Odlišnosti pohřebn�iho ritu v z�apadn�i č�asti lengyelsk�e kultury / Differences in the funerary rite in the western part of the Lengyel culture -- What strange happened in the rocks of the Bohemian Paradise? Late Mesolithic hunters and Eneolithic herders in the view of archaeology / Co podivn�eho se dělo ve skal�ach Česk�eho r�aje? Pozdně mezolitičt�i lovci a pastevci eneolitu pohledem archeologie -- Tracing the Neolithic transition through the first pottery (NeoPot) / Po stop�ach počiatku neolitu št�udiom keramiky (Neopot) -- 5. Studentsk�a sekce / Student session -- A few remarks on animal depositions of the socalled Baden culture / Niekoľko pozn�amok k zvierac�im dep�oniam tzv. badenskej kult�ury -- V�ysledky petroarcheologick�eho studia ostatn�i kamenn�e industrie ze s�idliště kultury s LnK Uničov „U Krav�ina" a vybran�ych lokalit z povod�i řeky Moravy / Petrographical study of macrolithic industry from the LBK settlement in Uničov „U Krav�ina" and selected sites from the Morava river basin -- Revision of anthropological research of skeletal remains from the Liskovsk�a Cave in the Ružomberok district / Rev�izia antropologick�eho v�yskumu kostrov�ychpozostatkov z Liskovskej jaskyne v okrese Ružomberok -- Diskusn�i panel / Discussion panel -- Settlement refuse whatdoes it tell us about the past society? / S�ideln�y odpad - čo n�am hovor�i o minulej spoločnosti? -- Introduction. �Uvod. | Peter T�oth -- Waste as an assemblage. Odpad jako asambl�až. | Martin Kuna -- Settlement waste under the microscope - possibilities and limitations of micromorphological analysis. S�idlištn�i odpad pod drobnohledem - možnosti a �uskal�i mikromorfologick�e anal�yzy. | Lenka Lis�a -- Ceramic waste as the main element of chronological analyses. Keramick�y odpad ako hlavn�y element chronologick�ych anal�yz. | Juraj Pav�uk.
Taphonomy of settlement areas as a thin line between nihilism and healthy skepticism. Tafonomie s�ideln�ich are�alů na tenk�e hranici mezi nihilismem a zdravou skeps�i. | V�aclav Vondrovsk�y -- Věčn�a archeologie aneb vzpom�inky žij�i, dokud vzpom�in�ame / Eternal archaeology or the memories live until were member -- �Uvod. Introduction. | Alžběta Čerevkov�a.
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Intro -- Obsah / Table of contents -- Pozvan�e předn�ašky / Invited keynote lectures -- Potenci�al studia neolitick�eho a eneolitick�eho obdob�i v diachronn�i perspektivě / The potential to study the Neolithic and Eneolithic in a diachronic perspective -- Understanding silent artefacts in the Neolithic (6000-4500 BC): ceramic petrography and beyond / Porozuměn�i „mlč�ic�im artefaktům" v neolitu (6000-4500 BC): v�ice než petrografie keramiky -- 1. Ter�enn�i v�yzkumy a průzkumy / Excavations and field surveys -- Neolithic settlement area near Bratislava / Neolitick�y s�ideln�y are�al v okol�i Bratislavy -- Lechovice - s�idlištn�i are�al prvn�ich zemědělců / Lechovice - settlement area of the first farmers -- Ž�arov�e pohřebiště boš�ack�e kultury na mohyln�iku kultury se šňůrovou keramikou v Hlinsku / Cremation burial ground of the Boš�aca culture found at the burial mound of the Corded Ware culture in Hlinsko -- Časně eneolitick�y depot z Krumlovsk�eho lesa a solit�ern�i n�alezy z okol�i / Early Eneolithic hoard from the Krumlovsk�y les and solitary finds in the surrounding -- Studna kultury s line�arn�i keramikou z Brna-Bohunic / Water well construction of the LBK from Brno-Bohunice -- Settlement area of the LBK in Čereňany (dist. Prievidza) / S�ideln�y are�al kult�ury s line�arnou keramikou v Čereňanoch (okr. Prievidza) -- Neolitick�e hroby v jihoz�apadn�ich Čech�ach / Neolithic graves in SouthWesternBohemia -- 2. Chronologie / Chronology -- Mezi neolitem a eneolitem: n�alezy skupiny Střešovice v Čech�ach / Between the Neolithic and the Eneolithic: finds of the Střešovice group in Bohemia -- 3. Člověk jako společensk�a a ekonomick�a bytost / Man as a social and economic being -- Cremation as a form of funerary treatment of the Neolithic and Early Copper Age population / Krem�acia ako forma pohrebn�ych prakt�ik neolitick�ych a eneolitick�ych popul�aci�i.

The osteozoological analysis of the Neolithic and Eneolithic settlements in Kiarov (Slovakia) / Osteozoologick�a anal�yza zo s�idlisk z neolitu a eneolitu v Kiarove (Slovensko) -- V�ysledky osteologick�e anal�yzy zv�iřec�ich kost�i z lokality Ž�adovice / Osteological analysis of animal bones from the site Ž�adovice -- Man is a learner. To decipher lithic industries through the prism of apprenticeship and the transmission of technical know-how / Člověk učenliv�y. Dešifrov�an�i kamenn�e industrie skrze proces praktick�eho učen�i a technologick�eho know-how -- Mikroregion Ślęzy jako petroarcheologick�e t�ema / Ślęza microregion as a petroarchaeological topic -- N�alezy antropomorfn�ich plastik lengyelsk�e kultury z Těšetic-Kyjovic / The evidence of the anthropomorphic figurines from the Lengyel culture settlement at Těšetice-Kyjovice -- �Učel ohrazen�ych poloh v komunit�ach středn�iho eneolitu v Čech�ach / The purpose of enclosed sites in the Middle Eneolithic communities in Bohemia -- Mobility and trade in the LBK central settlement of Asparn/Schletz / Mobilita a obchod na lokalitě Asparn/Schletz, centr�aln�im s�idlišti kultury s line�arn�i keramikou -- Štrukt�ura os�idlenia vybrat�ych regi�onov Gemera a Šariša v neolite a eneolite - porovnanie / Settlement structure of the selected regions Gemer and Šariš in the Neolithic and Eneolithic - a comparison -- Dwellings and architecture of the Baden culture and Post-Baden period - their identification and interpretation / Obydlie a architekt�ura badenskej kult�ury a postbadensk�eho obdobia - ich identifik�acia a interpret�acia -- Textiln�a produkcia v mladšom praveku. Anal�yza praslenov na z�aklade ich hmotnosti / Textile production in the Late Prehistory. Analysis of spindle whorls on the basis of their weight.

Lengyelsk�y čtvercov�y objekt ze Střelic a jeho překvapiv�a interpretace / Rectangular feature of the Lengyel culture in Střelice and its surprising interpretation -- Bioarchaeology of postLBKNeolithic and Early Eneolithic:the health condition and nutrition in Moravia and EasternBohemiaBioarcheologie v postline�arn�im a časně eneolitick�emv�yvoji: zdravotn�i stav a v�yživa v prostoru Moravya v�ychodn�ich Čech -- 4. Teoretick�e a metodologick�e př�istupy v neolitu a eneolitu / Theoretical and methodological approaches in the Neolithic and Eneolithic -- S�idlištn�i are�aly prvn�ich zemědělců na JV Moravě - Polemika nad současn�ym stavem pozn�an�i a v�ypovědn�i schopnost�i z�achrann�ych v�yzkumů / Settlement areas of the first farmers in SE Moravia - Arguments over the current state of knowledge and the explanatory power of rescue researches -- Changing horizons of material culture: identifying the locations of everyday and symbolic activities in Late Copper Age settlements / Proměňuj�ic�i se horizonty materi�aln�i kultury: identifikace um�istěn�i každodenn�ich a symbolick�ych činnost�i na s�idlišt�ich pozdn�iho eneolitu -- Probl�emy neolitick�eho a eneolitick�eho v�yzkumu na Moravě / Problems of Neolithic and Eneolithic research in Moravia -- Anal�yza keramick�ych plastik lengyelsk�e kultury. Traseologie, 3D anal�yza / Analysis of ceramic figurines of the Lengyel culture.Traseology, 3D analysis -- Neolithic longbarrowsin the G�ubczyce Forest (SW Poland)? A geoarchaeological study of two earthen mounds and its implications for understanding environmental changes in Silesia during the Holocene / Neolitick�e dlouh�e mohyly v G�ubczyck�em lese (JZ Polsko)? Geoarcheologick�y v�yzkum dvou mohyl a jeho v�yznam pro porozuměn�i environment�aln�ich změn ve Slezsku během holoc�enu.

Odlišnosti pohřebn�iho ritu v z�apadn�i č�asti lengyelsk�e kultury / Differences in the funerary rite in the western part of the Lengyel culture -- What strange happened in the rocks of the Bohemian Paradise? Late Mesolithic hunters and Eneolithic herders in the view of archaeology / Co podivn�eho se dělo ve skal�ach Česk�eho r�aje? Pozdně mezolitičt�i lovci a pastevci eneolitu pohledem archeologie -- Tracing the Neolithic transition through the first pottery (NeoPot) / Po stop�ach počiatku neolitu št�udiom keramiky (Neopot) -- 5. Studentsk�a sekce / Student session -- A few remarks on animal depositions of the socalled Baden culture / Niekoľko pozn�amok k zvierac�im dep�oniam tzv. badenskej kult�ury -- V�ysledky petroarcheologick�eho studia ostatn�i kamenn�e industrie ze s�idliště kultury s LnK Uničov „U Krav�ina" a vybran�ych lokalit z povod�i řeky Moravy / Petrographical study of macrolithic industry from the LBK settlement in Uničov „U Krav�ina" and selected sites from the Morava river basin -- Revision of anthropological research of skeletal remains from the Liskovsk�a Cave in the Ružomberok district / Rev�izia antropologick�eho v�yskumu kostrov�ychpozostatkov z Liskovskej jaskyne v okrese Ružomberok -- Diskusn�i panel / Discussion panel -- Settlement refuse whatdoes it tell us about the past society? / S�ideln�y odpad - čo n�am hovor�i o minulej spoločnosti? -- Introduction. �Uvod. | Peter T�oth -- Waste as an assemblage. Odpad jako asambl�až. | Martin Kuna -- Settlement waste under the microscope - possibilities and limitations of micromorphological analysis. S�idlištn�i odpad pod drobnohledem - možnosti a �uskal�i mikromorfologick�e anal�yzy. | Lenka Lis�a -- Ceramic waste as the main element of chronological analyses. Keramick�y odpad ako hlavn�y element chronologick�ych anal�yz. | Juraj Pav�uk.

Taphonomy of settlement areas as a thin line between nihilism and healthy skepticism. Tafonomie s�ideln�ich are�alů na tenk�e hranici mezi nihilismem a zdravou skeps�i. | V�aclav Vondrovsk�y -- Věčn�a archeologie aneb vzpom�inky žij�i, dokud vzpom�in�ame / Eternal archaeology or the memories live until were member -- �Uvod. Introduction. | Alžběta Čerevkov�a.

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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.

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