Time and History : Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg Am Wechsel, Austria 2005.
Material type:
Intro -- Preface -- I. Th e Philosophy of Time / I. Philosophie der Zeit -- Ordinary Th inking about Time -- How Real Are Future Events? -- Memory and the A-Series -- Wishing It Were Now Some Other Time -- Time and Self -- Time and Reality of Phenomenal Becoming -- Are Th ere 'Tensed' Facts (A-Series)? -- Is Time an Abstract Entity? -- Zur Entwicklung des Zeitbegriff s: Aristoteles und der Zeitbegriff in der relativistischen Kosmologie -- II. Time in the Physical Sciences / II. Zeit in den physikalischen Wissenschaften -- Can We Understand the Cosmic Evolution? -- Time and the Deep Structure of Dynamics -- In the Beginning, At the End, and All in Between: Cosmological Aspects of Time -- Against Pointillisme about Geometry -- Zeit im G�odelschen Universum -- "Close to the Speed of Light": Dispersing Various Twin Paradox Related Confusions -- Time's Arrow, Time's Fly-Bottle -- Th ree Concepts of Irreversibility and Th ree Versions of the Second Law -- Are the Laws of Nature Time Reversal Symmetric? Th e Arrow of Time, or Better: Th e Arrow of Directional Processes -- III. Time in the Social and Cultural Sciences / III. Zeit in den Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften -- Time and Communication -- Perspektiven der Subjektivit�at: Das Verh�altnis von Systemzeit und Eigenzeit in den perfektischen Tempusformen -- Drei Pioniere der philosophisch-linguistischen Analyse von Zeit und Tempus: Mauthner, Jespersen, Reichenbach -- Zeit, Performanz und die ontosemantische Struktur des Kunstwerks -- Die Th eorie der somatisch-neuronalen Entstehung von Werten, die a-chronologische Ged�achtniszeit und die Verschr�ankung von Zeit und Bewerten -- Wittgenstein und Sraff a. Zeitproduktion durch Zeit -- IV. Temporal Logic / IV. Zeitlogik -- A Mini-Guide to Logic in Action -- On the Problem of Defi ning the Present in Special Relativity: A Challenge for Tense Logic.
A Deontic Logic with Temporal Qualifi cation -- V. History / V. Geschichte -- Kulturelle Zeitgestalten -- Zeit und Geschichte in fr�uhen Kulturen -- ‚Zukunft' als Schl�usselkategorie der Geschichtsphilosophie -- Verantwortung und Geschichte -- VI. Wittgenstein on Time / VI. Wittgenstein �uber die Zeit -- Wittgenstein's Times (And Ours) -- Wittgenstein on Time (1929-1933) -- Das „Jetzt" bei Wittgenstein - �Uber Gegenwart und Wandel -- Time, Music and Grammar. When Understanding and Performing What is Understood are Two Facets of the Same Action -- List of Authors.
Publications of the series include the official proceedings of the ALWS-conferences and of their special workshops. The series is open also for other high-quality publications, especially on the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and its influence on contemporary analytic philosophy.
Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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